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Lion Heart Dental International Clinic

Where Health Meets Beauty

Composite Veneers

What Are Composite Veneers?

Composite veneers are made with tooth-coloured filling material custom-made and expertly bonded to the front surface of your teeth. They correct imperfections, such as stains, gaps, or misalignment, offering a natural and attractive appearance. The process is minimally invasive and typically completed in just one dental visit, making composite veneers a quick and effective way to get the smile that you've always been wanting.

Composite Veneers vs. Other Types of Veneers

Veneers are thin shells that go on the surface of your existing teeth to improve their appearance. At our clinic, we offer various methods of veneer applications, and composite veneers is one of them.

Other veneer methods usually include shaving off a significant portion of the surface of the teeth and they usually take 3 weeks or more to complete. However, for composite veneers, composite resin is applied and shaped directly on the surface of the teeth - this means that this method is less invasive and it can be done in just one session!

Who Would Benefit From Composite Veneers?

Aside from saving time and money, composite veneers may be a good option for you if you have:

  1. Damaged Teeth: Whether your teeth are chipped, cracked, or have signs of decay, composite veneers can restore their appearance and functionality.

  2. Spacing Issues: Composite veneers are adept at correcting gaps between teeth and minor overlapping issues, providing a more even smile.

  3. Stained Teeth: When traditional whitening treatments fall short in addressing stubborn stains caused by diet, aging, or genetics, composite veneers can effectively conceal discolouration.

  4. Uneven Teeth: Composite veneers can transform teeth that are too small, mismatched, or oddly shaped, creating a harmonious and uniform smile. They are also an ideal solution if you wish to lengthen your teeth.

  5. Enamel Erosion: For teeth affected by enamel erosion due to factors like diet, genetics, or specific medications, composite veneers can offer both protection and aesthetic enhancement.

  6. Sensitive Teeth: If you experience tooth sensitivity, especially due to enamel wear, composite veneers can serve as a protective barrier, reducing discomfort and improving overall dental health.

Cost of Composite Veneers

At Lion Heart Dental, we offer composite veneers for ¥80,000 per tooth. You can also avail of our Composite Veneer Package for only ¥499,000. The package includes:

  • 6-teeth set of composite veneers (Front teeth, upper or lower)

  • Thorough dental check-up and consultation

  • X-ray and gum test

  • PMTC deep teeth cleaning

  • Cavity treatment (if necessary)

  • AIRFLOW® Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) for stain and tartar removal

Benefits of Composite Veneers

  1. Aesthetic Enhancement: Composite veneers can significantly improve the appearance of your teeth by correcting a range of dental issues, such as chips, gaps, stains, and other imperfections. They can also improve the shape and size of your teeth, creating a brighter, whiter, and more even smile.

  2. Quick and Cost-Effective: The entire treatment can be completed in a single dental visit, making it a convenient option for busy individuals. Composite veneers are also a more affordable alternative to porcelain veneers.

  3. Minimally Invasive: With composite veneers, there is little to no drilling or reduction of teeth involved. Instead, the surface of the tooth is etched to make the composite resin stick better.

  4. Customisability: Since composite veneers are directly applied to your teeth, they can be customised in terms of colour, shape, and size to achieve your desired smile.

  5. Repairable: If your composite veneers become damaged or stained over time, they can be repaired or touched up relatively easily without the need for replacement.

  6. Natural Appearance: When done correctly, composite veneers can mimic the natural appearance of teeth, with a high level of translucency and a lifelike appearance.

  7. Reduced Sensitivity: Teeth can get worn down, exposing the dentin layer, which causes sensitivity. Composite veneers can reduce this sensitivity as it provides a protective barrier.

  8. Reversible: Unlike other veneer methods or other irreversible dental procedures, composite veneers can often be removed without causing significant damage to the natural teeth.

Click the button below to book a consultation to see if composite veneers are the right option for your specific needs.

How Composite Veneers Are Done

  1. Consultation: The process begins with a consultation. You discuss your cosmetic concerns and smile goals, and the dentist evaluates whether composite veneers are the right solution for you. In this stage, you can choose the shape, size, and colour of the new teeth.

  2. Check-Up and Gum Test: Following the consultation, a comprehensive dental check-up is conducted to assess the overall health of your teeth and gums. This examination helps the dentist create a tailored treatment plan.

  3. X-ray: Dental x-rays may be taken to provide a detailed view of the underlying teeth and bone structure. This helps in identifying any hidden dental issues that need to be addressed before veneer placement.

  4. Cavity Treatment: If there are any cavities or decay present on the teeth that will receive veneers, these issues are treated and restored to ensure a solid foundation for the veneers.

  5. Cleaning: To prepare your teeth for veneers, a professional dental cleaning is performed. This includes prophylactic dental cleaning (PMTC) and airflow cleaning to remove any plaque, tartar, and surface stains.

  6. Whitening*: In some cases, teeth whitening may be recommended before placing composite veneers to achieve a consistent and brighter teeth colour, especially if you desire a lighter shade for your veneers. *Not included in the package.

  7. Teeth Preparation: The dentist will prepare the teeth by etching the surface. This involves roughening the tooth's enamel to create a better bonding surface for the veneers. This step ensures the veneers will adhere securely.

  8. Bonding: The composite resin material is applied to the front surface of the teeth. The dentist shapes and sculpts the material to achieve the desired size, shape, and alignment. After shaping, a curing light is used to harden the resin, securing it in place.

  9. Final Adjustments: Once the veneers have been cured, the dentist makes final adjustments as needed to ensure they meet your aesthetic goals. This may include fine-tuning the shape or making any necessary refinements.

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